Enunciate hebrew word for right
Enunciate hebrew word for right

Now back to the reason why anyone would Desire to be Threshed? The Messiah revealed Spiritual Truth in His parables, like The Wheat and the Darnel  a worthless Weed resembling wheat but it doesn’t bear any fruit: To the Thirsty I will give freely from the Spring of Living Water. “… I Am the Aleph and the Tav, the Beginning and the End. Likewise, a צַדִיק Tzadiq, a Righteous Person, is Thirsty for Living Water, Ezekiel 18:24: To a truly Thirsty person, water is a matter of life and death. The original Hebrew word picture for Thirst is when the Tzade, the Desire, for Mem, Water, Aleph, is Strong. “ Blessed are those who hunger and Thirst for Righteousness , for they will be filled,” Matthew 5:6 With the meaning of the letter Tzade, attached to the meaning of the Hebrew word Daq, it forms a figurative word picture of the one who is Hooked, or Desires, to be Threshed, or made Small.īefore we go to the reason why anyone would want to be made small, lets take a look at the Hebrew word צָמָא Tz ama, meaning Thirst, and see how it shows us the meaning of Desire: Its bent form is also said to represent Righteous Humility. The Tz is pronounced like Tsunami, Pi zza. The letter, , Tzade is the 18th letter of the Hebrew Aleph-bet and has a numerical value of 90. צַ-ד Tza-d, means Side, צוּד Tz-oo-d means to Hunt, and דַּ-ק Da-q means small, as in finely ground, or threshed. צֶ-דֶ-ק Tzedeq contains a combination of sub-roots that clarify its meaning even further. ק Qoof = Back of Head, Follow, Behind, Last, Least, Horizon.

enunciate hebrew word for right

דֶ Dalet = Door, Entrance, Gate, Pathway of Life, Hang, to Move in and out… צֶ Tzade = Fishhook, Hook, Hunt, Chase, Catch, Desire, Trail, Journey, Side. The original Hebrew pictographs also show us its figurative meaning: In English it is defined, to do what is Morally Right, Upright, Fair, Equal, Accurate, Correct, Impartial, and Just.

enunciate hebrew word for right

It is derived from the 3-letter Hebrew verb root, צֶ-דֶ-ק, Tz-d-q, pronounced Tzedeq. If Righteousness is the Way of Life, then what could be more important than making sure we fully understand its original Hebrew meaning of צְדָקָה Tzedaqah? “In the Way of Righteousness (צְדָקָה Tzedaqah) is Life, in its Path there is no Death,” Proverbs 12:28 What is the Ancient Hebrew Word Picture for Righteousness?

Enunciate hebrew word for right